Brotherhood Toast
Ladies and Gentlemen,welcome to the Brotherhood Toast podcast where you become a fly on the wall as 4 brothers from other mothers talk shit and swallow spit while peeling grapes and going ape! Hear the male’s truth about love, lust , life, and manhood while we sip review and evaluate our brown liquor of the week! Pull up and Ear hustle as we serve you the Man’s truth with NO chaser!
Brotherhood Toast
OJ is Dead!
Patterson, Lingo, Randle and Caesar
In this episode, we explore the complex legacy of O.J. Simpson following his recent passing. While some view him as a legendary athlete and actor, others remember him for his infamous trial and controversial acquittal in the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. We delve into how opinions about Simpson’s life and death may vary along racial lines, examining the broader societal implications of his story and its impact on discussions of race, justice, and celebrity in America. Join us as we navigate this sensitive and thought-provoking topic.